Friday, March 7, 2014

Ole Henriksen Walnut Complexion Scrub Review

Now I love a good scrub, and after much success with some product by Ole Henriksen I figured I'd give the Ole Henriksen Walnut Commplexion Scrub a try. It promise to clean out pores, and brighten the skin. So did this make it into my holy grail skincare products?! Lets find out.
Ole Henriksen Walnut Complexion Scrub is a thick, dirty brown, scrub with a sweet walnut smell. It is seriously thick, and doesn't require much to apply to the face. After wetting my face, I applied a a nice amount to my face. The product applied really nicely and scrub has soft beads, so its not harsh or rough on the skin. The smell did intensify as you continued to scrub, but nothing to over the top. After washing it off my face, my skin felt really fresh and soft. It didn't give a brighter complexion after the 1st use, but my pores were nicely cleaned out. After using this a few more times, I can certainly say that my skin never brighten and texture of my skin never changed.
The deal breaker…it broke me out horribly! My entire chin and skin of my cheek just went into outbreak mode, and it was really hard to clear up. My skin got really dried and rough, it was just weird. I knew it was this product because this was the only thing that had changed in my skincare routine and every time I used it, the breakouts just got worst! This really sucks because its a really nice scrub, that cleans the skin, but I can handle breakout! Thats a NO NO!

Sadly to say this is not going in my holy grail products, and Im disappointed that I found a product by Ole Henriksen that didn't react to my skin well. But if you looking for a nice, sweet, pore cleanser scrub this is really good. Just didn't work for my skin.


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